Written by Admin.
Luna, Jared Jonathan , MA
Senior Lecturer
Email: luna.jaredjonathan@gmail.com
Office Address:
Room No. 1324
Pavilion 1
University of the Philippines – Diliman
Tel:+63 (2) 981-8500 loc 2114
Jared Jonathan Luna finished his undergraduate degree from the university’s Anthropology Department in 2011. From 2012 to 2014, he pursued his graduate studies in dance anthropology and ethnochoreology as the first Filipino scholar in the Erasmus Mundus Masters Course, Choreomundus: International Masters in Dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; Universite Blaise Pascal, France; Szeged University, Hungary; Roehampton University of London, United Kingdom). He has a particular interest in the structural analysis of dance and human movement, while his field of research covers popular vernacular dancing, and streetdance.